Monday 18 October 2010

An ABC of OCC - C

C is for craziness. Over the years, we have had so many wonderful things donated in the shoeboxes - people are so generous, but there have been some very strange ones too. There was the time in the early days when a guy enthusiastically brought down bags of clothes to for us to send to Romanian orphans only to come back moments later in a panic when he realised he had left his weeks laundry too.

We once had a whole egg and a pack of kippers and it is not unusual to have jars of mayonnaise and tins of soup in shoeboxes. While you can see why someone might think that a needy person might want soup, more puzzling was the TV remote control  - if it was a mistake it must have caused some family arguments! We also struggled to find a reason why someone might send a microwave manual to a needy child for Christmas!

But perhaps the strangest was the dead budgie found in Chesterfield some years ago. After some thought we realised that the bird had been put into the shoebox for burial and there had been a dreadful mix up.....

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